structure plans

Rosedale Structure Plan (2012)

The Rosedale Structure Plan has been prepared to establish the Strategic Framework for future land use and development in the township, and to manage and facilitate future growth.
Plan Status: 

Wellington Shire Council adopted the Rosedale Structure Plan on 7 August 2012.

Year Approved: 2012  

The Rosedale Structure Plan addresses the key challenges facing the development and growth of the township by providing a robust and adaptable strategy for land use and development for the next 15 -20 years and beyond. The key project objectives are:

  • Capitalise on and celebrate Rosedale’s location on the Princes Highway
  • Celebrate Rosedale as the western gateway to the Wellington Shire and Central Gippsland
  • Create a vibrant town centre with a unique sense of place
  • Improve housing choice and diversity
  • Create a walkable community that connects with the landscape character of the area

The Rosedale Structure Plan is implemented in the Wellington Planning Scheme through Planning Scheme Amendment C86. Other actions and projects identified in the Rosedale Structure Plan will be considered further in the future by the relevant Council departments in their business planning.

Further details regarding Planning Scheme Amendments can be found on the Department of Transport and Planning website.

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