
Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme

You can now exchange eligible drink containers for 10 cents. Together we can make a positive difference to our community and our environment.
Please be advised that there have been updates to eligible locations for the Container Deposit Scheme. Read on for more details.
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Update about the scheme

Unfortunately, after six months of trialling CDS collection, the scheme in its current operating model has proven unviable for the contractor who runs Council Transfer Stations.

Operational challenges are being felt across regional areas, including:

  • Poor or no network coverage preventing claims being processed
  • Additional resourcing required for CDS operations
  • Delayed collection of containers from site is leading to attendants having to refuse further deposits
  • Vandalism and theft of drink containers after hours
  • Multiple complaints from users regarding the scheme’s functionality.

Unless major changes are implemented - such as additional state government funding allocated to address these widespread issues – Council’s contractor has indicated they will no longer be participating in the scheme.

While it is a state government-run initiative, Council understands the disappointment our community is feeling, and is currently in discussions with Return-It to establish more viable community-led over the counter drop-off points.

If you’d like to discuss this matter further, please feel free to give our Waste team a call on 1300 366 244.

About the scheme

Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic) is part of the Victorian Government's $515 million investment to transform the state's waste and recycling sector. Funded by contributions from the beverage industry, the scheme will contribute to Victoria's target of diverting 80% of all material away from landfill by 2030 and represents a significant milestone in our journey towards a circular economy.

Victorians use more than 3 billion drink containers every year. Sadly, many are not recycled, ending up in landfill and as litter in local communities across our state.

CDS Vic aims to:
  • Increase recycling and reduce litter, cleaning up our environment
  • Be convenient and accessible with many types and locations of refund points across Victoria
  • Bring new jobs and economic opportunities for individuals, charity and community groups

How to make a return

CDS Vic provides a 10 cent refund for every eligible drink container returned at refund points across Victoria. Every bottle, can and carton you return helps divert valuable containers from landfill.

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3

1. Collect eligible drink containers

Most aluminum, glass, plastic, steel, and liquid paperboard (carton) drink containers between 150mL and 3 litres are eligible. Look for the 10c mark on the back of pack. Some drinks are not eligible, including plain milk containers, wine and spirit bottles.

2. Return your eligible drink containers

See all the refund points in Victoria on the Return it website.

3. Earn a refund

All eligible drink containers are worth a 10 cent refund that you can either keep, or donate to a community donation partner.

*Information sourced from Victoria‘s Container Deposit Scheme | About CDS Vic

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