
Property Valuations

Valuations are carried out by an independent contract valuer on behalf of the Valuer General.
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The Valuer-General's department supplies valuers to council for use in rates calculations. The contract valuer has a thorough knowledge of sales, rentals and statutory considerations in accordance with government legislation.

Valuers are notified of any property sales in the municipality and information on rentals is obtained from owners, agents and tenants. This information is then analysed and collated so that levels of value can be established for individual areas within the Shire.

Supplementary valuations

From time to time, a supplementary valuation is made where the property value has changed substantially due to a new dwelling, a factory, demolition of a building, new water infrastructure, fencing or improvements.

These supplementary valuations are carried out between valuations in order to bring these properties into line and are based on the same levels of value used for the general valuation. Supplementary rates notices may be issued based on the new valuation during the year.

Revaluation periods

Revaluations are carried out every year to reflect market relativity. Current valuations are based on values at 1 January annually which is a statutory requirement set down by the Valuer-General.

Objections to valuations

A formal objection to a valuation may be made in relation to the value of a property upon the grounds set out in the Valuation of Land Act 1960. Ratepayers who do not believe the valuation to be correct may lodge an objection.

Lodging an objection

All objections must be lodged within two months of you receiving your valuation notice.

Objections should be lodged using the Rating Valuation Objection Portal where you will be able to include supporting evidence and provide reasons to why you believe the current valuation is not accurate. Alternatively, you can use the prescribed objection form which can be downloaded from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website DELWP - Objecting to a rating valuation.

What happens after lodging an objection?

The Valuers will review the valuation and consider any information provided within your objection application. You may be contacted by a Valuer to discuss your objection further.

The Valuer has 4 months to review the valuation and will supply a copy to the Valuer-General Victoria.

The Valuer-General Victoria will formally advise Council of the outcome once the review is complete and processed through the certification stages.

Any rates changes will occur after the Valuer-General Victoria provides Council with the formal certification file. Adjustments to your rates account (if required) cannot occur until this process is finalised. Council will send you a new rates notice once the information becomes available.

I have lodged an objection, do I still need to pay my rates by the due date?

Yes, you must still pay rates by the due dates while your objection is being considered. Failure to pay rates by the due date may result in interest being charged.

Further information

For further information you may refer to the following sections of the Valuation of Land Act 1960:

  • Who can object - Section 16
  • Grounds for objection - Section 17
  • Time within which you must lodge an objection with the council - Section 18B
  • How objections are dealt with - Section 21(2)
  • The appeals process - Section 22.

Further information is available from the Rating Valuations section of the DELWP website.

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