
Local Laws and Enforcement

Wellington Shire Council's Local Laws Officers are authorised under the provisions of Section 224 of the Local Government Act 1989, to administer and enforce these Laws.
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Governance Local Law 2024

The objectives of this Local Law are to:

  • Regulate the use of Wellington Shire Council’s common seal.
  • Prohibit unauthorised use of the common seal.
  • Set offences and associated penalties relating to conduct at meetings.

Community Local Law 2021

The Objectives of the Local Law are to:

  • Provide for those matters that require a local law under the Local Government Act 2020 and any other Act;
  • Prohibit, regulate and control activities, events, practices and behaviour in places throughout the municipality, so that no nuisance is caused and there is no detriment to the amenity of the neighbourhood, to a person or to a person’s real or personal property;
  • Support Council’s objectives to promote a physical and social environment throughout the municipality in which residents and visitors can enjoy a safe quality of life, that meets the reasonable expectations of the community;
  • Provide for the administration and exercise of Council powers and functions;
  • Provide for the peace, order and good government of the municipal district of the Wellington Shire; and
  • Repeal any redundant local laws.

Local Laws Officers (Rangers)

Should you require the services of a Local Laws Officer (Ranger) please call 1300 366 244. This service is also available after-hours in case of an emergency.

Enforcement Guidelines

In conjunction with the Wellington Shire Council Local Laws Framework, the Enforcement Guidelines (guidelines) intent is to adhere to the principles of natural justice, during the delivery of enforcement action by Council officers. The principles outlined in the guidelines will allow staff to gauge the compliance response on a spectrum from education through to prosecution. This will reduce the opportunity for bias and personal attitudes to influence the approach plus importantly to create consistency. The guidelines will also apply to all Council’s enforcement activities.

The guidelines will ensure officers follow the principles during the use of regulatory powers legislated. It aims to provide transparency in compliance and enforcement actions in matters of public safety and amenity in a consistent manner without bias.

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Local Laws Officers (Rangers)

Penalty for Breach of a Local Law

Enforcement Guidelines

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