

Council may establish Committees to assist with decision making, planning, facility management or to act in an advisory role.
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Council may establish Committees to assist with decision making, planning, facility management or to act in an advisory role.

A full list of active Committees and Council representatives is available by viewing the Register of Council Committees and Advisory Groups.

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Council Advisory Committees

Advisory Groups have been established to assist Council and the community in various areas. These groups, which may include community members, Council officers, and Councillors, provide advice on a range of issues including:

  • Projects
  • Planning
  • Policy
  • Resource planning
  • Disability and community access
  • Community amenity, and
  • Many other strategic community issues

These Committees have no other authority or purpose other than to give information or advice to Council to assist it in its ultimate decision-making role.

The Mayor may attend any Advisory Group meeting.

Community Asset Committees

Under section 65 of the Local Government Act 2020, the Council may establish Community Asset Committees made up of any combination of Councillors, Council staff and community members or organisations as determined by Council.

Wellington Shire Council currently has five Community Asset Committees. These committees have been delegated responsibility to manage and maintain their reserves.

  • Briagolong Recreation Reserve Committee
  • Cameron Sporting Complex Committee
  • Gordon Street Reserve Committee
  • Maffra Recreation Reserve Committee
  • Newry Recreation Reserve Committee

Committees of Other Organisations (Delegates)

Councillors are often requested and/or required to represent Council via participation on Committees formed by other organisations.

Audit & Risk Committee

Council's Audit & Risk Committee has been established in accordance with the requirements of section 53 of the Local Government Act 2020. It is a formally appointed committee of the Council and is responsible to that body, meeting at least 4 times a year. It does not have executive powers or authority to implement actions in areas over which management has responsibility and does not have any delegated financial responsibility. It also does not have any management functions and is therefore independent of management.

The Audit & Risk Committee assists Council in the effective conduct of its responsibilities for financial and non-financial reporting and performance, management of risk, information services governance, maintaining a reliable system of internal controls and facilitating the organisation’s ethical development.

Members of the Audit & Risk Committee and their terms are: Mr Chris Badger - October 2025, Mr Tony Smith - February 2025, Ms Sarah Heath - October 2024 and two Councillors appointed annually (currently Councillor Garry Stephens and Councillor Gayle Maher).

Community Committees

A Community Committee of Management is a group of volunteers who are elected to manage, operate and maintain a facility for the community in an efficient, effective and practical manner. This includes facilities such as halls, reserves and pavillions.

Council recognises and supports the significant contribution made by community committees of management and their ability to:

  • Encourage, promote and provide for the use of the facility for user groups and the community as a whole in a fair and equitable manner.
  • Ensure the facility meets the needs of the local community.
  • Undertake the day to day running of the facility independently of Council.

As part of Council's support and recognition to these volunteer committees of management, we implement agreements to formalise the use and management of the facility based on its ownership and facility's purpose.

Other Groups

These groups are subject to formal Council approval processes.

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