Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244Wellington Libraries offer a variety of free community events designed to engage, build skills and enrich the lives of participants.
To view upcoming events and make a booking, please visit Try Booking here.
Information on our ongoing events are listed below:
Aimed at babies aged 0-2 years this 30-minute fun-filled program held during school term includes nursery rhymes, actions, songs, music and simple stories designed to entertain and help develop literacy skills for babies and toddlers. Bookings for Rock, Rhythm & Rhyme are not required however, you can book your spot on TryBooking.
Aimed at Toddlers aged 3-5 years this is a 45-minute session held during school term that includes stories, songs and activities aimed at pre-school literacy and social skills development. Bookings for Storytime are not required however, you can book your spot on TryBooking.
Our libraries have an extensive collection of LEGO available for eager builders to come in and use. Some libraries offer dedicated, monthly sessions, whilst others simply offer access upon request. Bookings for Brick Buddies are not required however, you can book your spot on TryBooking.
School terms from 3.30-4.30pm
School holidays from 2-3pm
Our libraries operate themed School Library Programs for children aged 6-12 years.
Details are advertised on TryBooking, throughout Library branches and via Wellington Libraries Facebook page.
1000 Books Before School is a free program, run by the State Library of Victoria, to encourage families of young children to get into the 'literacy habit' by aiming to share 1000 books together before starting school.
To participate in the 1000 Books Before School program, families simply register as members of their local library, collect their new library bag and get started. Along the way, children complete the Reading Record sheets with stickers and earn milestone prizes. By investing only 5-10 minutes a day, it will make a big difference for your child.
Join author and speaker Melissa Gijsbers for our monthly Young Writers Group sessions, designed for 11-18 year olds and open to new members year-round. All you need is a passion for writing and a big imagination! Book your spot now on TryBooking.
Our libraries offer free printing, scanning, Wi-Fi, and snacks after school to support local students with their learning needs.
Each month, on a Friday night, our libraries open exclusively for teenagers aged 13-18 years (highschoolers), offering a fun-filled evening of gaming, music, crafts, and more! Teen Nights rotate across our six library locations throughout the year, providing a safe and welcoming space for teens to relax and connect. Find out where the next Teen Night is happening and secure your spot via TryBooking.
Our monthly book club is perfect for avid readers seeking to connect with like-minded individuals and expand their literary horizons. With a diverse range of titles, from classics to contemporary works, there’s something to suit every reader’s taste. Dates and times vary. Local, independent book clubs are welcome to borrow our book sets.
Enjoy free films and refreshments at our libraries every month. Our afternoon screenings feature a range of films, from comedies to classics. Booking is essential as places are limited. Visit TryBooking for session times and to reserve your spot.
Join us for our Author Talk events, where local authors share insights about their published books, answer questions, and sign copies. Visit TryBooking to check for upcoming sessions and secure your spot. These events are organised in partnership with Collins Booksellers Sale, supporting local authors.
Wellington Shire Library Service welcomes all children to attend the library.
Library staff will always take due care and concern for young people in the library; however, they are unable to act as supervisors and must not be put in the position of acting parent or guardian.
Responsibility for the welfare and behaviour of young people rests at all times with the parent, guardian or chaperone. Parents must use their discretion in determining when their children are sufficiently mature and responsible to use the library unaccompanied by an adult. It is recommended children under the age of 13 should not be left without a parent/guardian at the library. Library staff have no authority to ensure that young people remain within the library and cannot be held responsible for any incidents that occur outside.
Library staff members will respond to guidelines in situations, such as:
After evaluating the situation, Library staff members will attempt to contact the parent or guardian. If parents/guardian are unable to be contacted, staff will contact the police.