
Social Media Use

Social media is a useful tool for Wellington Shire Council to communicate with the community and in turn allows the community to engage in two-way conversations.
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In order to ensure social media is used in a respectful and appropriate manner, the following rules are in place for Council and community members using social media in relation to Council business.

What is expected of social media users

Third party posts to Wellington Shire Council social media channels are not representative of the opinions of Council, nor do we confirm their accuracy. However, we will always do our best to remove any inappropriate content in a timely manner.

Wellington Shire Council's social media channels have been created to provide an online community for residents. Please do not post content that falls into the following categories:

  • Abusive, defamatory or obscene.
  • Fraudulent, deceptive or misleading.
  • In violation of any intellectual property right of another.
  • In violation of any law, regulation or the Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.
  • Trolling or intention to deliberately disrupt conversation.

Otherwise inappropriate or offensive unacceptable content, comments or contributions may include, but are not limited to, content which is considered by the administrators to be:

  • Humiliating, rude, offensive.
  • Gossip, rumour-spreading.
  • Sexist, racist, homophobic.
  • Belittling, bullying, harassing, threatening.
  • Condoning violence in any form. Such content will be removed and where such content persists, may result in access restrictions.
  • Advertising materials or any content that sells any good or services, any surveys, contents, chain letters, spam or other unsolicited commercial messages will be deleted and access restrictions may be imposed.

We also encourage everyone to respect each other and be mindful of the tone of the conversation.

What if you breach these rules?

Wellington Shire Council accepts no responsibility for comments made on our social media pages. We will remove any posts that fall into the above categories, and repeat offenders may be blocked from contributing to the Wellington Shire Council page.

Council responding to comments

Wellington Shire Council will respond to genuine questions made by users commenting on our pages between 9am- 5pm AEST time, Monday to Friday. Council may not respond if your comment is a general statement, a conversation with other community members or if it falls into the inappropriate categories listed above.

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