Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244The Wellington Disability Advisory Committee is formed by Council as an unincorporated advisory group operating under these Terms of Reference. The committee provides advice to Council regarding accessibility and inclusion matters concerning communities across Wellington Shire. Applications for the Wellington Disability Advisory Committee are currently open until 11 April 2025.
If you have any questions, please contact our Social Connection and Inclusion Officer for Diversity and Inclusion on 5142 3244, 0499 860 355 or email disability@wellington.vic.gov.au.
What is the Wellington Disability Advisory Committee (WDAC)?
The WDAC is a group formed to advise Wellington Shire Council on issues related to accessibility, inclusion, and support for individuals with disabilities. The committee works to ensure that the needs of people with disabilities are considered in local policies, programs, and services.
Who can join the Disability Advisory Committee?
Membership is typically open to individuals with disabilities, caregivers, advocates, or professionals with experience in disability services. Local residents who have a passion for improving accessibility and inclusion are encouraged to apply. The committee strives for diversity to ensure it represents the various needs within the community.
Applications are strongly encouraged from Aboriginal people, women, people from LGBTIQ+ communities, young people and people from culturally diverse communities.
How do I apply?
Applicants must complete this online form.
If you require assistance completing the form or wish to make your application in another way, please contact the Diversity and Inclusion Officer on (03) 5142 3098 / 0499 860 355 or disability@wellington.vic.gov.au
What is the selection process?
Council will assess all applicants and compile a short list of applicants to interview.
Selected community representatives will be required to undergo registration and induction as Council volunteers, including applying for a Working With Children Check and National Police Check, with associated costs for the checks reimbursed by Council.
Upon completing registration and induction, successful applicants will be provided a formal written offer of appointment. Community representatives are appointed for a term of two years, commencing from the date of formal appointment.
What will members of the Disability Advisory Committee be expected to do?
Committee members are required to attend meetings to provide Council with advice and suggestions to improve access and inclusion for people living with or caring for someone living with a disability. Community representatives will also be invited to attend site accessibility visits at council facilities or participate in steering groups as required.
How often will the Disability Advisory Committee meet?
Wellington Disability Advisory Committee will meet four times a year.
Are the meetings accessible for people with disabilities?
Yes, all meetings are held in accessible venues, and the Wellington Shire Council ensures that accommodations such as sign language interpreters, captioning, and assistive listening devices are available upon request. If you require specific accommodations, please let us know in advance so we can make the necessary arrangements.
Can the Disability Advisory Committee help with individual cases of discrimination or accessibility issues?
If you're facing a specific issue, such as discrimination or lack of accessibility, you can submit a complaint to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT), which handles such cases.
Are the meetings open to the public?
No, the meetings of the Disability Advisory Committee are not open to the public. However, you can provide feedback or ask questions via email at disability@wellington.vic.gov.au.
Is there any funding available for disability-related initiatives in Wellington Shire?
The Disability Advisory Committee does not directly provide funding; however, the Council may offer grant programs or funding opportunities for projects related to disability and inclusion. You can check the Wellington Shire Council website or contact the Council’s Community Development team for more information about available funding opportunities.
The 'National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)' provides individualised support for eligible people with permanent and significant disability, their families and carers.
The NDIS provides a flexible, whole-of-life approach to the support needed by people with a disability, to pursue their goals and aspirations and participate in daily life.
This booklet can help you plan fun activities in Wellington Shire.
Our Easy Access Mobility Maps provide relevant information for people with limited mobility to enable safe and accessible paths of travel and effective travel planning when visiting our region. The maps include the central business area, accessible facilities and, where appropriate, tourist attractions, for Maffra, Heyfield, Sale, Stratford, Rosedale and Yarram.
The Good Access is Good Business guide explains how businesses can attract more customers by providing better access to a business. Focusing on four ways to improve access:
This Accessible Tourism in Gippsland website gives details of how more people can enjoy the opportunity to travel and experience all that is Gippsland tourism. Accessible tourism is about ensuring tourist destinations, products and services are accessible to all people regardless of their physical limitations, disabilities or age.
For further information and inspiration on Gippsland's diverse range of accessible visitor experiences and accommodation options, take a look at the Accessible Gippsland - Inspiring Visitor Experiences brochure.
A Recharge Point is a designated spot where individuals can recharge their mobility scooter or motorized wheelchair while they are out in the community. These points ensure that you can recharge your battery when it's low, providing peace of mind and a safe journey home. Users report feeling safer, more socially connected, and relieved from the fear of being stranded with a flat battery.
The Wellington Recharge Brochure provides the locations of all Recharge Points within the Wellington Shire.
This booklet is for renovators, builders and developers. It provides practical information about how access improvements to the built environment can meet the varying access needs of people.
Design that incorporates good access provides an environment that is safer, easier to move around and live in.
Everyone benefits from good access: parents of young children in prams, people with temporary injuries, older people and people with disabilities.