
Heritage and Planning Permits

Wellington Shire Council protects heritage places through the Heritage Overlay in the Wellington Planning Scheme.
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External Alterations

A Planning Permit is usually required for external buildings and works to a place listed in the Heritage Overlay (HO) (found at Clause 43.01 of the Wellington Planning Scheme). A full list of requirements for a Planning Permit as outlined at Clause 43.01 can be found on the Department of Transport and Planning website.

Internal Alterations

A Planning Permit is not usually required to undertake internal works. A Planning Permit would only be required if the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay (HO) identifies that internal controls apply. The Schedule may be viewed on the Department of Transport and Planning website.

Other Controls

Sometimes, other controls, including external paint controls and tree controls, may also apply to a heritage place. The Schedule to the Heritage Overlay (HO) would also identify these. The Schedule may be viewed on the Department of Transport and Planning website.

Planning Fees

If a Planning Permit is required under the provisions of the Heritage Overlay (HO) and no other planning provisions, then there is no assessment fee payable to Council.  

However, should a Planning Permit be required by another planning control/zone/overlay, Planning Fees are applicable.

Heritage Permit Exemptions

Wellington Shire has a number of Permit Exemptions incorporated into the Wellington Planning Scheme in the Schedule to Clause 72.04 Documents Incorporated In This Planning Scheme. An Incorporated Document forms part of the Planning Scheme.  

No Planning Permit is required under the provisions of the Heritage Overlay (HO) and associated Schedule; For anything done in accordance with an incorporated plan specified in a schedule to this overlay (being the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay).  

The Wellington Shire Heritage Controls (Incorporated Documents) provides further information.  

Heritage Advice

When you have confirmed with Council that a Planning Permit is required under the Heritage Overlay (HO), it is recommended that you contact Council’s Heritage Advisor to discuss the proposal prior to lodging a Planning Permit application with Council. Contact details for Council’s Heritage Advisor can be provided on request.  

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