
Wellington 2030

Wellington 2030 is our community's vision for the future.

Wellington Shire Council has facilitated the development of this vision and will play a role in supporting the community to achieve it.

The original Wellington 2030 Strategic Vision was developed through community consultation in 2008, and was renewed in 2016 due to significant regional, national and global changes affecting the Shire and the impacts of these on our population.

This is our community vision for the future. The Wellington Shire Council Plan, prepared every four years will describe the action Council will take to help achieve this vision.

There are other groups and organisations who can also have a lead role in taking action.

All community members, community groups and organisations are encouraged to use 2030, reference it, share it and deliver action to achieve the vision.

Our Vision: "Happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities in the heart of Gippsland"

Theme 1: Communities

Our Vision: "We know and support each other and have a strong sense of community belonging. Diversity is respected and there are many social and community activities providing opportunities for all people to interact. We strive for good health, feel safe in our communities and are prepared for natural disasters"

Theme 2: Services and Infrastructure

Our Vision: "Wellington has a built environment that is sustainable, appropriate, accessible and responsive to the community. Transport connects people to communities and places. Events and services support our strong communities"

Theme 3: Natural Environment

Our Vision: "Wellington's natural environment and landscape is clean, diverse, beautiful, accessible and protected"

Theme 4: Lifelong Learning

Our Vision: "Wellington has a broad choice of local training, education and holistic learning and development options that lead to meaningful employment and personal fulfilment."

Theme 5: Economy

Our Vision: "Wellington has a wealth of diverse industries providing employment opportunities for all. There is growth in the Wellington population and economy which is balanced with the preservation of our natural environment and connected communities"

Live Wellington 2030.

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