
Work Experience

Wellington Shire Council offers work experience placements for secondary and tertiary students throughout the year dependant on available opportunities.
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If you are a secondary school student and are interested in working for local government, consider applying for a work experience placement with Wellington Shire Council.

Your work experience placement will let you experience the daily life of our employees, giving you a clear understanding of our work environment. You'll get hands-on experience with the day-to-day operations in one of our departments, helping you develop practical skills and see professional practices in action.

Council departments that may offer work experience

  • Built & Natural Environment: Built Environment, Natural Environment & Parks, Assets & Projects.
  • Development: Economic Development, Land Use Planning, Regulatory Services.
  • Corporate Services: Finance, Information Services, People and Capability, Organisational Performance & Governance.
  • Community & Culture: Arts & Culture, Communities, Facilities & Emergencies, Leisure Services.

Conditions of work experience

  • Students from secondary schools within the Wellington Shire Council area will have priority placement.
  • The relevant education institution or program provider must cover personal Injury Insurance for the student.
  • Information obtained while undertaking work experience is confidential and must not be divulged to any other party.
  • Generally, if you have already completed work experience at Wellington Shire Council, additional placements will not be available.
  • Please note that while we will place as many students as possible, not all applications will be able to be accepted.

How to request work experience at Wellington Shire Council

All work experience opportunities are managed through Gippsland East Local Learning and Employment Network (GELLEN).

Search and apply for work experience opportunities on the Structured Workplace Learning portal.

Any questions, please contact Gippsland East Local Learning and Employment Network, directly by calling (03) 5153 1745 or emailing

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