Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244You can sign up for a Library Membership online by completing the Wellington Library Registration Form.
Search our collection, place holds and manage your existing account by logging in to the online library catalogue.
Anyone with proof of residential address who agrees to the Terms of Borrowing and Membership below may become a member. Children and young adults under 18 years of age require the signature of parent or guardian to become a member. You must present your membership card to borrow resources or to verify access to our online resources.
Library Membership is available for individuals, organisations and external book clubs.
Resources available:
See the Library Catalogue and Borrowing page for more information.
Wellington Libraries are no longer collecting overdue fines on any library items, including books and DVDs. If you have an overdue item that you have avoided returning due to overdue fees, please contact your nearest library branch or email library@wellington.vic.gov.au and we can help.
Charges will still be in place for lost or damaged books, please see Fees and Charges below for more information.
Access is free, bookings are required. All users must comply with the guidelines below.
Books are not the only source of information at the Wellington Shire Library. Computer and internet services are also available to our patrons to ensure equal and free online access. The World Wide Web provides a means to access facts and data far beyond the Library's own collections.
Each branch provides free access to PCs for personal, study or research use. This can include general surfing of the internet, online databases, electronic resources and web-based email. All PCs also have Word Processing, Ancestry genealogy records as well.
These PCs are a shared resource, so all Library users are expected to comply with the terms and conditions, using these technology facilities in a responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which they are provided.
Wireless connections for laptop owners are available for free at all branches. View terms and conditions prior to use.
This internet facility is provided in a public environment, and its use must meet general community standards. Library patrons must not deliberately access illegal, inappropriate, offensive, controversial, restricted or inappropriate material. If such material is accidentally located on the internet, you must exit that site immediately.
Users must not transmit any material or mail which is illegal, harassing or likely to offend from these computers. Sending, receiving, or displaying undesirable information (text or graphics) on the internet will result in that person being unable to use the internet computer facilities in the Library.
The Library does not monitor and has no control over information accessed globally via the Internet and therefore cannot guarantee the reliability, accuracy or appropriateness of the information retrieved. Sending credit card numbers, account numbers, your name, address or other private information via the Internet is undertaken at the user's risk.
Please see staff at the desk to register your session. You will need your member card, or some other ID. This service can be popular so it's best to pre-book to ensure a PC at a suitable date and time. Bookings can be made over the phone or in person. If you wish to cancel or change your booking please phone staff at that branch. Bookings may be reallocated during periods of high demand if not taken within ten minutes of the booking start time. Staff can get first time internet users started - let us know when you make your booking that you'd like a hand. If you need training, staff can tell you where to find out about courses.
As a member, the Library provides you with access to Ancestry genealogical information. This database is available on-site from branch libraries.
The Library has PCs available for patron use, which includes word processing, spread-sheet, database and presentations software. You can type up and print out professional looking business flyers, resumes, school assignments and spreadsheets.
Our staff will be pleased to assist if you are having difficulties; however you are expected to be self sufficient in the use of the PC hardware, software and the Internet. Generally time constraints mean that staff are not able to teach you how to use these resources, but may only be able to provide you with some basic guidance.
Printing in black and white is available from each terminal at all branches. Some libraries offer colour printing. Printing fees do apply. Faxing and photocopying services are also available.
Microfilm Readers/Printers are available at Sale and Yarram libraries to view old newspapers for research.
Sale Library has the Board Maker program which is excellent for creating communication books, social stories and visual schedules.
If you arrive late for your booking, you must still finish at the specified time to allow the next person to take their booked spot.
Every endeavour will be made to provide reasonable access for all patrons with bookings; however, the Library reserves the right to cancel a booking should it become necessary to do so.
Users are not permitted to attempt to bypass network security, nor to adjust, change or tamper with settings on the workstations or printers.
Users must respect and comply with all copyright laws and licensing agreements pertaining to software, files and other resources obtained via the Internet.
Use of the computer facilities is entirely at the user's own risk. The Library will not accept responsibility for any damage of data due to viruses and other causes.
Facilities are available at all branches at costs identified in the table below.
A Library card must be presented to borrow items, as it assures accuracy of your records. A change of name, address or contact details must be notified as soon as possible. An email address helps us contact you and reduce costs.
By signing the back of the library card, you are subject to Local Law No. 3 of Wellington Shire Council and agree to abide by the following conditions:
In accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, the Wellington Shire Library only collects personal information necessary to provide you with Library services.
This information allows us to keep track of our resources, to contact you about holds or remind you of overdue loans. We cannot provide Library services without the provision of this information.
We will not disclose your personal information to a third party, including State bodies or authorities (without your consent), except for borrowing of items from other Libraries Victoria libraries, or if the release is authorised by law. Patron details are only accessible to staff when providing Library Services.
You can inspect your patron records by entering your barcode number via the My Account link on the online Catalogue.