
Rating of Undevelopable Ninety Mile Beach Subdivided Lots

The Ninety Mile Beach subdivision is a 25-kilometre strip of land located between Bass Strait and Lake Reeve, which extends north of the Honeysuckles to Paradise Beach.
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The land was subdivided into about 11,800 small lots from 1955 to 1969 prior to the introduction of planning controls. Much of the area is not appropriate for development due to flooding, lack of services etc. Areas unsuitable for development are contained in the Rural Conservation Zone. In contrast, land contained in the Low Density Residential Zone in the Honeysuckles and Golden Beach/Paradise Beach settlements can be developed with planning permit approval.

Due to the complex history of the Ninety Mile Beach subdivisions (and associated landowner concerns), the Victorian Ombudsman prepared a report which was tabled in the Victorian Parliament. A copy of the Ombudsman report can be accessed via the Victorian Ombudsman website.

Council welcomed the independent review of the complex issues associated with the Ninety Mile Beach subdivisions and supported each of the three (3) recommendations made for Council at its meeting of 3 December 2019.

Whilst it is lawful, Council has ceased levying rates and the waste infrastructure charge on undevelopable Ninety Mile Beach subdivided lots from 1 July 2019, no further rate notices will be issued for undevelopable blocks.

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