

During early years, play is a child’s main way of learning and developing.
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During early years, play is a child’s main way of learning and developing. Play is fun for your child, but also gives your child the opportunity to explore, observe, experiment and solve problems. In Wellington, there are playgroups for you and your child to attend to help your child’s development. It is also a great way for you to meet other parents, carers or guardians. Playgroup provides opportunities for playing, talking, listening and interacting for your child, but also helps them get ready for Kinder.

Playgroups in Wellington

To find playgroups in Wellington, contact Uniting Care Gippsland on 03 5144 7777, or speak to your Maternal Child Health Nurse.

When your child turns 2-years-old, it’s a great time to think about 3-year-old kinder for the following year.

Kinder in Wellington is an important step for young children, and you! Research has shown that early education helps set children up for a bright future and children who attend kinder; learn skills that they will take with them throughout their life.

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