
Waste Management Charges

Every year, residents who receive a kerbside collection service in Wellington pay a Garbage Charge and Landfill Levy Charge on their rates. 
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Rates Waste Charges

Every year, residents who receive a kerbside collection service in Wellington Shire pay a Garbage Charge and Landfill Levy Charge on their rates, which recoups the cost of collection, bin supply and the State Government's Landfill Levy. You can learn more about the levy at the EPA’s Landfill Levy website.  

This waste charge applies to all properties within the Declared Collection Zones that have a kerbside collection service (some exclusions apply – see Council’s Waste Collection Policy).

All ratepayers also pay a Waste Infrastructure Charge as part of their rates charge. These charges contribute to the development of infrastructure (eg. landfill cell development, capping and remediation works) at our landfill and transfer stations, ensuring we meet EPA regulations and environmental best practice.

The Rates and Valuations page outlines the current value of these charges.

Waste Disposal (Tip) Fees

See the Waste Disposal (Tip) Fees page for current disposal fees.

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