
Investing in Wellington

With a stable workforce and natural wonders nearby in every direction, Wellington Shire provides a great place to live, work and enjoy.
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The region offers very real opportunities to experience a healthy and prosperous lifestyle with quality health and education facilities, coupled with high quality business and recreational opportunities.

With a stable workforce and natural wonders nearby in every direction, Wellington Shire provides a great place to live, work and enjoy.

  • High order infrastructure and utilities, including water, electricity and telecommunications
  • Availability of industrial land
  • Climate and the availability of water
  • Affordable land choices and real estate
  • Diverse business opportunities
  • Excellent vocational, education and professional development opportunities
  • Established road, rail and air network

To find out more about investing in Wellington view our Investment Prospectus.

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Business Support

What We Do For You

The services Wellington Shire Council's Economic Development Unit provides include:

  • Support local business retention, expansion and help to maximise their potential
  • Assist business and industry identify appropriate land for development
  • Provide links to business support networks
  • Support business and industry to develop opportunities that increase skills, sustainability, employment creation and investment
  • Identify initiatives and work with the business community to attract new industry to the region
  • Promote our Shire as a place to live, work and invest
  • Provide the first point of contact for information, referral and support in relation to government grant opportunities or assistance with the application process
  • Network with relevant authorities to assist local business and industry
  • Lobby government for resources to improve infrastructure and service provision

Business Associations/Chambers of Commerce

Business and Tourism Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Traders and Tourism Associations do a great job in addressing local opportunities and issues and providing a unified voice to Council and other levels of Government. Associations also provide valuable networking and professional development opportunities to members. To join your local association please see the contact details below.

Dargo Business and Tourism Association

Contact: Emile Theodore (President)
Telephone: 0418 563 601

Heyfield Traders and Tourism Inc.

Contact: Jamie Riley (President)
Telephone: (03) 5148 3447
Email: Cafe.3858@hotmail.comWeb:

Loch Sport Business and Tourism Association

Contact: Matt Edey (President) or Tony Patchell (Secretary)
Telephone: 0417 122 694 or 0402 909 005

Maffra Business and Tourism Association

Contact: Linda Hunt (Secretary)
Telephone: 0488 411 021

Port Albert Progress Association

Contact: Jenny Smith
Telephone: 0439 681 187

Rosedale Chamber of Commerce

Contact: Matt Vaux (President)
Telephone: 0437 689 648

Sale Business and Tourism Association

Contact: Julian McIvor (President) or Joy Churchill (Administrative Officer)
Telephone: 0428 084 622 or 0448 742 273

Stratford Community Association

Contact: Shayne Hyman (President)
Telephone: 0417 330 081

Yarram Progress Association

Contact: Emily Spalding (President)
Telephone: 0427 502 446

Economic Profile

For insight into our economy visit the links below:

Australian Bureau of Statistics QuickStats on our larger towns are detailed below:

Startup Gippsland

Startup Gippsland is a regional program that supports entrepreneurs with big ideas to develop, launch and scale their business. They help both early and later stage Gippsland founders through incubator and accelerator programs, community meetups and masterclasses with industry professionals.

For further information, check out the Startup Gippsland website.

One Gippsland Partnership

Wellington Shire Council is a member of One Gippsland, which is the peak regional advocacy body representing the Gippsland region. One Gippsland aims to connect the dots between government, business and community, while collectively working together to champion the interests of our region and our people.

View more information at

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