

Spend more time in your community, meet new people and gain new skills and experience by volunteering with Wellington Shire Council.
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Volunteer with Wellington Shire Council

Do you have a passion to give back to your community?  

Volunteers are an integral part of our community. At Wellington Shire Council we provide opportunities for community members who are eager to volunteer their time, skills, and enthusiasm, while enjoying meeting new people and learning more about our region.

Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering helps build and support our local community, strengthens networks and provides a sense of belonging and connection. We believe volunteers play a critical role within our organisation by assisting in the delivery of important services and programs, as well as allowing our volunteers to:

  • Learn new skills
  • Meet new people
  • Stay active within the community
  • Get involved
  • Gain hands on experience
  • Try new challenges
  • Have fun

Volunteers are not replacing council staff, but rather providing an opportunity for Council to expand and enhance the current level of service provided to the community.

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