The Stratford Structure Plan will provide a 20 year ‘strategic vision’ to guide future growth, infrastructure, local services, and better connectivity to define the preferred direction for future growth and how change will be managed.
Project Status:
Structure Plans aim to provide a long-term framework to guide sustainable development within townships, specifying what type of growth can be achieved.
The Stratford Structure Plan will:
Articulate a sustainable vision for Stratford and provide clear, achievable directions for the growth of the town which are consistent with state and local land use planning policy directions.
Define a study area and identify a strategically justified settlement boundary to consolidate growth within logical town boundaries and protect valued land outside of the settlement boundary.
Assess the suitability and proposed locations of future residential growth.
Identify the key infrastructure required to facilitate future growth.
Identify opportunities for further retail, entertainment, office, industrial and other commercial and business services/activities.
Protect environmental and heritage features within the town for example: creeks, parks, open spaces, and public land.
The Stratford Structure Plan will be used as the basis to support formal changes to the Wellington Planning Scheme through revised planning provisions, to facilitate the implementation of the Plan’s land use recommendations.
Stratford Courthouse Theatre.
Current Stage
Currently a brief scoping of existing conditions and issues based on available data, clearly identifying the regional, residential, commercial and community role of the town is underway. The key tasks undertaken within this phase includes:
Outlining the purpose of preparing the Structure Plan and the objectives sought.
Collecting all available data, such as existing conditions and potential opportunities, demographic analysis, including population projections, economic and retail analysis, urban design and built form, transport, services, and infrastructure analysis.
Setting aspirations for housing, commercial, retail, education and employment - taking into account housing development data and capacity requirements, economic and retail projections.
Related Documents
Have Your Say on the Growth of Stratford
For more details or to take the survey on the Stratford Structure Plan, visit Your Wellington Your Say.
Further Information
If you have any questions, please contact the Strategic Planning team on 1300 366 244.
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