public notices

Notice of Approval of Amendment C84

Apr 24, 2018

The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C84 to the Wellington Planning Scheme.

The Amendment came into operation on 19 April 2018 and was published in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Amendment rezones the Wurruk Growth Area, as identified in the Sale, Wurruk and Longford Structure Plan (2010) to the General Residential Zone 1 and Low Density Residential Zone, removes the Development Plan Overlay Schedule 1 from the land, amends the Heritage, Flood and Land Subject to Inundation Overlays, and applies the Development Plan Overlay Schedule 9 to all rezoned land.

A copy of the Amendment can be inspected, free of charge, at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website at and free of charge, during office hours, at the offices of the Wellington Shire Council, 18 Desailly Street, Sale, Victoria.

Stuart Menzies
Director State Planning Services
Department of Environment, Land,Water and Planning

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