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1300 366 244Planning Scheme Amendment C116 amends the Wellington Planning Scheme by rezoning Precincts 9 and 10 of the Longford Development Plan from the Farming Zone (FZ) to the Rural Living Zone - Schedule 5 (RLZ5).
The land affected by the Amendment is located to the east of the (unmade) Cobb Road - between the Longford-Loch Sport Road (Northern Boundary) and Andrews Road (Southern Boundary) (see Figure 1 below).
The rezoning of the land facilitates the future creation of approximately 180 ‘rural lifestyle’ blocks of a minimum 6,000m2 and average lot size of 7,000m2.
As part of the Amendment, a new Development Plan Overlay - Schedule 14 (DPO14) is also applied, which will ensure any future subdivision accords with the requirements of the Longford Development Plan, which is the overarching masterplan for development within Longford. The Longford Development Plan can be viewed using the following link:
At the Ordinary meeting of 21 June 2022, Council resolved to seek Authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and formally exhibit Amendment C116.
Authorisation from the Minister for Planning was granted on 1 November 2022.
The Amendment was publically notified between 1 December 2022 and 20January 2023.
Council adopted Planning Scheme Amendment C116 on 7 March 2023.
The Minister for Planning has approved the Amendment, effective from 23 June 2023.
Further background information is located on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website here.
For further information on this Amendment, please contact a member of the Strategic Planning Team on 1300 366 244.