Planning Scheme Amendment C120well proposes to translate the adopted Maffra Structure Plan (Mesh Planning, 2022) into the Wellington Planning Scheme.
Amendment Status:
What is Planning Scheme Amendment C120well?
Planning Scheme Amendment C120well proposes to formally translate the key land use planning policy components of the adopted Maffra Structure Plan (Mesh 2022) into the Wellington Planning Scheme. The Structure Plan provides a framework to support potential future residential growth areas, commercial, and industrial development translated through the updated planning policy. The amendment supports the long-term growth of Maffra and acknowledges its role as the second largest township within the Wellington Shire by:
Introducing policy, which guides the growth of Maffra to 2042.
Rezoning land in a new Maffra specific Schedule to the General Residential Zone Schedule 2 (Maffra Residential Area) (GRZ2).
Updating the Development Plan Overlay - Schedule 1 (DPO1) (which applies to other parcels of land across Wellington Shire).
Correcting policy neutral zone and overlay anomalies.
Adding future projects (potential Planning Scheme Amendments) to the list of further strategic work required to be undertaken.
What does Amendment C120well do?
Specifically, the amendment makes the following changes:
Planning Scheme ordinance
Amends Clause 11.01-1L (Maffra) to update the strategic directions for Maffra.
Inserts a new Schedule 2 to Clause 32.08 (General Residential Zone) to include neighbourhood character objectives and decision guidelines specific to Maffra Residential Area (General Residential Zone area).
Amends the Schedule 1 to Clause 43.04 (Development Plan Overlay) to update Sections 1-4 and remove Section 5 (to be consistent with Ministerial Direction The Form and Content of Planning Schemes).
Amends the Schedule to Clause 72.08 (Background Documents) to insert the following background documents: Maffra Structure Plan (Mesh, 2022)
Amends the Schedule to Clause 74.02 (Further Strategic Work) to include recommendations for future work outlined in the Maffra Structure Plan (Mesh, 2022).
Zoning maps
Amends Planning Scheme Map Nos 51, 53, 54, 55 and 56 to rezone all land in the Maffra township boundary currently in the General Residential Zone 1 (GRZ1) to the new General Residential Zone 2 (GRZ2) ‘Maffra Residential Area’.
Amends Planning Scheme Map Nos 54, 55 and 56 to selected properties to correct mapping anomalies.
Overlay maps
Amends Planning Scheme Map Nos 50DPO, 51DPO, 52DPO, 53DPO and 54DPO to remove the Development Plan Overlay Schedule 1 (DPO1) from certain parcels of land within the Maffra township boundary, specifically:
From the majority of land to the north of Sandy Creek Road which is within the Rural Living Zone Schedule 2 (RLZ2) and covered by the Development Plan Overlay 1 (DPO1). The land is below the minimum lot size for development and cannot be further subdivided, and accordingly it is appropriate to remove the DPO1 from these sites.
Scattered properties within Maffra which have been developed as per the endorsed Development Plan for that area.
Where does the Amendment apply?
The amendment applies to all land within the township boundary of Maffra as shown in Figure 1. It also applies to all land currently subject to the Development Plan Overlay 1 (DPO1) within Wellington Shire.
Figure 1: Maffra Township Boundary area
Current Status – Post-Exhibition
Planning Scheme Amendment C120well was on exhibition from Thursday 12 December 2024 to Friday 24 January 2025 as per the requirements of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
Strategic Planning are currently reviewing the submissions received during exhibition and will present to Council later in the year to obtain a resolution to proceed the Amendment.