public notices

Special Charge Scheme - Industrial Road, Stratford

Oct 10, 2017

Notice of Intention to declare a Special Charge for the construction of part of Industrial Road, Stratford

In accordance with a resolution of the Wellington Shire Council made at its ordinary meeting held on 3 October 2017, notice is given that at the ordinary meeting of the Council to be held on 5 December 2017, it is the intention of Council to declare a Special Charge under S163(1) of the Local Government Act 1989 for the purpose of defraying costs incurred or to be incurred by Council in relation to the construction and sealing of the section of Industrial Road between CH500 and CH630 in the township of Stratford and the provision of any ancillary works.

The land proposed to be specified in the Special Charge is within that area bounded by properties having abuttal onto Industrial Road between CH500 to CH630 in the township of Stratford.

The criteria which forms the basis of the Special Charge are the ownership of rateable land in the area of the Scheme which, based on scheme benefit units for access, has and enjoys an abuttal to or access from the road.

The Council considers that each rateable property included in the Scheme area that is required to pay the Special Charge will receive a special benefit through the provision

of proper, safe and suitable road and property services.

In performing functions and exercising powers in relation to the provision of proper, safe and suitable road and property services in the area for which it is proposed the Special Charge will be declared, the Council intends to spend an amount of $120,000 being the estimated cost of the works to be undertaken and to levy by way of the Special Charge an estimated amount of $72,000.

The Special Charge will commence on 5 December 2017 and will remain in force for a period of ten years.

Because the performance of the function and the exercise of the power in respect of which the Special Charge is to be declared and levied relates substantially to capital works, the Special Charge will be levied on the basis of an instalment plan being given to ratepayers which will require:

  • That the full amount be paid within 45 days of invoice or
  • That quarterly instalments are to be paid over a ten year period and
  • That quarterly instalments will include a component for reasonable interest costs, the total of which will not exceed borrowing costs of Council in respect of the construction of the road by more than 1%.

Copies of the Proposed Declaration of the Special Charge including a plan of the Scheme area, are available, for at least 28 days from the first publication of this notice, for inspection at the Wellington Shire Council’s Offices, 16-18 Desailly Street, Sale or 156 Grant Street, Yarram. The Proposed Declaration is also be on the Council website

In accordance with Section 163A & 223 of the Local Government Act 1989, written submissions for or against this proposal may be made. Any person wishing to make a submission, for or against the scheme, must do so in writing by Friday, 10 November 2017.

In addition to the right to make a submission outlined above, any person who will be required to pay the Special Charge to be imposed by the proposed declaration has the right to lodge a written objection under Section 163B of the Local Government Act 1989.

Objections must be made in writing by Friday, 10 November 2017.

Any person requesting to be heard in support of his or her written submission or objection is entitled to appear before a meeting of the Council (or Committee of Council) or be represented by a person acting on his or her behalf. All requests to be heard must also be in writing and received by Friday 10 November 2017. Persons requesting to be heard will be notified of the time and date of the hearing in writing.

Council will consider any written submissions and take into account any objections in accordance with sections 163A, 163B and 223 of the Local Government Act 1989.

All written submissions or written objections are to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Wellington Shire Council, PO Box 506, SALE, VIC, 3853 or emailed to

For further information regarding this matter please contact Tilo Junge on telephone 1300 366 244 or fax (03) 5142 3501 or email tilo.junge@

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