public notices

Notice of Approval of Amendment (C114well)

Jul 4, 2023

Planning and Environment Act 1987

Wellington Planning Scheme

Notice of Approval of Amendment

Amendment C114well

The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C114well to the Wellington Planning Scheme.

The Amendment comes into operation on the date this notice is published in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Amendment rezones land located at 35B Chinamans Lane, Sale (Lot 2 on PS 819621B), 33 Chinamans Lane, Sale (Lot 1 on TP 320182), Chinamans Lane, Sale (Lot 2 on PS 748267L), (Part) 13 Cobains Road, Sale (Lot A on PS 742810Y) and 35A Chinamans Lane, Sale (Lot 1 on PS 819621B), Sale from Farming Zone to the General Residential Zone (Schedule 1) and applies a new Development Plan Overlay (Schedule 13).

A copy of the Amendment can be inspected, free of charge, at the Department of Transport and Planning website or by contacting 1800 789 386 to arrange a time to view the Amendment. A copy of the Amendment can also be inspected, free of charge, during office hours, at the offices of the Wellington Shire Council, 18 Desailly Street, Sale or at the Wellington Shire Council website.

Peita Tapper
Acting Director, State Planning Services Department of Transport and Planning

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