Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244Community Local Law 2021 Notice of Public Exhibition
Notice is given pursuant to Part 3 Division 3 of the Local Government Act 2020 that the Wellington Shire Council (“Council”) resolved its intention to revoke the following existing local laws:
The Local Laws are specific and related to activities associated with their title. It is proposed to combine all titles into one Local Law. A single reference document has been drafted, The Wellington Shire Council Community Local Law 2021.
The Council proposes to make the following Community Local Law 2021. Community Impact Statements have been developed as explanatory documents to seek to improve consistency, clarity and transparency for those affected by the Local Laws, including businesses and community members.
The objectives of the Local Laws are to:
The objectives of the proposed Local Law are set out in clause 1.3 of the Local Law and outlined below:
a) Provide for those matters that require a local law under the Local Government Act 2020 and any other Act;
b) Prohibit, regulate and control activities, events, practices and behaviour in places throughout the municipality, so that no nuisance is caused and there is no detriment to the amenity of the neighbourhood, to a person or to a person’s real or personal property;
c) Supports Council’s objectives to promote a physical and social environment through out the municipality in which residents and visitors can enjoy a safe quality of life, that meets the reasonable expectations of the community.
d) Provide for the administration and exercise of Council powers and functions;
e) Provide for the peace, order and good government of the municipal district of the Wellington Shire; and
f) Repeal any redundant local laws.
A copy of the proposed Wellington Shire Council Community Local Law and Community Impact Statements may be inspected or obtained from Wellington Shire Council Offices at 18 Desailly Street, Sale and 156 Grant Street, Yarram and may also be accessed on Council’s website, www.wellington.vic.gov.au.
The documents are also available for inspection at Wellington Shire Council libraries, Alberton General Store, Briagolong Post Office, Golden Beach General Store, Licola General Store, Loch Sport Post Office, Loch Sport Supermarket, Newry Post Office, Port Albert Service Station, Seaspray Post Office, Tinamba General Store and Woodside Post Service Station.
Any person may make a written submission on the proposed local laws to Council.
All written submissions received by Council before 5pm Thursday 22 April 2021 will be considered in accordance with section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989.
Written submissions should be marked ‘Local Laws – 2021’ and addressed to CEO, Wellington Shire Council, PO Box 506, Sale 3850.
A person making a submission is entitled to request that they wish to appear in person, or to be represented by a person specified in the submission, at a Council Meeting to be heard in support of the submission. The Council Meeting will be held at 3:00pm on 4 May 2021 in the Wellington Room, Port of Sale to hear further support for the submissions in relation to the proposed local laws at the relevant Agenda Item.
If you would like to address you submission further but are unable to attend the Council meeting, please visit www.wellington.vic.gov.au/catergory/council-meetings to complete the Council Meeting Question or Comment Submission Form no later than 1.00pm on the day of the meeting and your comments will be read out at the Agenda Item.
David Morcom
Chief Executive Officer
· Use this link to view the Community Local Law 2021 document.
· Use this link to view the Community Impact Statement document.