planning projects

West Sale and Wurruk Industrial Land Supply Strategy

Urban Enterprise was engaged by Wellington Shire Council to undertake the West Sale and Wurruk Industrial Land Supply Strategy.
Project Status:  

Urban Enterprise was engaged by Wellington Shire Council to undertake the West Sale and Wurruk Industrial Land Supply Strategy.

Council has completed the ‘West Sale and Wurruk Industrial Land Supply Strategy’, which aims to strategically justify, rezone and facilitate the development of appropriate new industrial land in the short to medium term (5-10 years) within West Sale and/or Wurruk.

The Strategy was formally adopted by Council at its ordinary meeting of 19 June 2018.

The Strategy recommends a range of actions relating to:

  • Changes to the Wellington Planning Scheme
  • Infrastructure co-ordination, funding and delivery;
  • Management of cultural heritage and environmental sensitivity
  • Urban design considerations; and
  • Partnerships to facilitate an economic precinct at the West Sale Airport.

The proposed actions have been developed to ensure that new industrial land can be delivered in an efficient manner to support business and employment growth in Wellington Shire while closely managing any potential environmental and community impacts.

Candidate Area 2 (see figure 1) is recommended as the primary opportunity to provide industrial land. Rezoning of industrial land in this location has the potential to form part of a broader economic precinct which incorporates the West Sale Aerodrome and is supported by major road, rail and air distribution infrastructure.

The Strategy also recommends that a secondary candidate area be considered for rezoning.

Candidate Area 1 is considered to be the best additional opportunity for short term development given the (relatively) low infrastructure costs and proximity to an existing industrial area, but only if road access can be secured to the land and a Cultural Heritage Management Plan is prepared. Further detailed investigations to rezone this land will continue.

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