Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244Generation Z is stepping up and leading the way to a brighter future around the world - including here in Wellington Shire, where 17 of our inspired young minds have come together to form the latest Wellington Shire Youth Council.
Wellington Shire Council welcomed its new team of Youth Councillors on July 13. But due to Covid-19, the group has only been able to meet face to face once, on July 29, when they gathered at the Port of Sale to meet Wellington Shire Council Mayor Alan Hall and discuss issues that are important to them. Subsequent meetings have been held online.
The new Youth Council members, who range in age from 13 to 25, represent a broad cross-section of Wellington’s towns and school systems.
The team is comprised of seven continuing Youth Council members and 10 new members, and is headed by Youth Mayor Orlando Davidson, Deputy Youth Mayor River Mayman and Youth Secretary Nicola Woolford.
Two key events that the group will focus on are next year’s NAIDOC Week and the Upswing: Youth Mental Health Festival, normally held in the Port of Sale in October. Restrictions on social gatherings, however, has forced the festival online this year and made organising the event a challenge.
Throughout its yearlong term, the Youth Council will provide advice to Council on issues affecting young people and learn about the functions of local government.