media releases

Regenerative farming - Land to Market’s Tony Hill in conversation

Regenerative, sustainable farmland is better for biodiversity and the planet, and done right it can also be more profitable.
April 7, 2021

Regenerative, sustainable farmland is better for biodiversity and the planet, and done right it can also be more profitable.  

Land to Market Australia, a program led by Australian producers, is on a mission to promote sustainability and share the agricultural skills needed to regenerate farmland, all with an eye on market realities.  

On Tuesday 20 April, Land to Market founder Tony Hill will deliver a free information night about his mission to drive better landscape health and farm profitability, and to promote Land to Market’s Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) program, which rewards regenerative land-care practices.  

The presentation is supported by Wellington Shire Council and Maffra and Districts’ Landcare Network’s Wellington Weed and Pest Animal Control Program.  

Land to Market promotes the application of innovative and holistic farming practices that better manage soil health, leading to improved water use, soil fertility and biodiversity. The EOV scheme aims to benefit consumers, market partners and producers by establishing a credible ecological sourcing program and fostering grassroots demand for such products.  

Landscape Health, Verification and Regenerative Agriculture: Tony Hill in conversation, followed by a Q&A session and complimentary supper, Tuesday 20 April, 7pm, Criterion Hotel, 90 Macalister Street, Sale.

Registration essential at  

For more information, contact Joanna Rule on

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