media releases

Prepare your property for the fire season with no-fee green waste disposal

Wellington Shire Council is reminding property owners, particularly in coastal communities to prepare their properties for the upcoming fire season.
September 19, 2024

Wellington Shire Council is reminding property owners, particularly in coastal communities to prepare their properties for the upcoming fire season.

To assist with prevention efforts, Council will offer no-fee green waste disposal at its waste facilities in Kilmany, Maffra, Seaspray, Heyfield and Yarram from Saturday 19 October until 17 November 2024. The Dargo transfer station will be excluded as it cannot process green waste.  

This year, the Loch Sport Transfer station will extend its no-fee green waste disposal service from Saturday 19 October until Saturday 30 November 2024, recognising recent storm events and to address last year’s delays and backlog. To further accommodate the community, the transfer station will also extend its trading hours across the Melbourne Cup long weekend, operating from Friday 1 November until Monday 4 November, from 9am - 5pm each day.

Residents are encouraged to reduce fire hazards by slashing grass, bracken or weeds, especially around buildings and fences. Undergrowth, fallen branches, and tree cuttings should be removed, while tree branches and shrubs should also be pruned. The disposal of timber, (raw, painted, or with metal attached), manufactured boards, treated timbers, and stumps will not be accepted at any waste facility.

With fire inspections estimated to begin in November, property owners are reminded that if their properties are not ready by inspection time, they will receive a Fire Prevention Notice. Non-compliance with the notice may result in fines of $1,976 per property owner.  

Cleaned up properties must be maintained for the entirety of the Fire Danger Period.

Property owners must apply for a permit to burn off during the Fire Danger Period via the Country Fire Authority (CFA). Outside this time, property owners may apply for a permit to burn through Council’s website. Permits will only be issued where there is no alternative to burning.

Victoria Police will actively investigate burning off in the Fire Danger Period, and heavy fines may be imposed on any person burning off without a permit.

For more information about fire preparedness visit

To learn more about green waste disposal and accepted items visit

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