Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244It’s never too late to keep moving and get healthy, and thanks to an Age-Friendly Communities grant from the Victorian State Government, Wellington Shire Council has been able to support a fitness program for over 50’s residents at Golden Beach.
The fitness classes are on each Thursday from 1pm to 2pm at the Golden Beach Community Hall. The classes are aimed at helping people aged 50 plus in Golden Beach, but all are welcome because of the social and fitness benefits for all.
Participants can actively get involved in a body weight and resistance training class for just $10. The fitness program will not only increase mobility and improve general health, but offers a friendly social atmosphere at the same time.
The Golden Beach Ratepayers Association were keen to get an exercise class happening in their local area. With the help of $1,000 from Council’s Age-Friendly funding and support from Council staff, Golden Beach Ratepayers Association are able to trial the new exercise class for Golden Beach community.
If the class continues to be successful, Aqua Energy staff are keen to further develop the exercise classes as an outreach Living Longer Living Stronger program.
General Manager Community & Culture, Glenys Butler said: “This project has been a long time coming, and finally this wonderful opportunity is available to our senior residents. Even a small amount of exercise can have great health benefits. Staying active helps you build extra muscle reserve, improve balance and flexibility, and prevent chronic disease.” Council is committed to public health and wellbeing and this project is a good example of a social connection and inclusion program that links with Healthy Wellington 2013 – 2017 Plan.
To find out more about the Golden Beach exercise class please email gpbratepayers@gmail.com or ring Sue on 0408 307 077.
All new participants should come 15 minutes earlier for their first visit so that the trainer has time to assess you prior to the class commencing. Wear comfortable clothing, sneakers or gym shoes, and bring a bottle of water.
Whatever your age, you can keep moving. Come along to the group fittness class where you can have fun whilst being interactive and getting fit and healthy! For more information about Wellington Shire Age Friendly Project, please contact Council’s Age Friendly Project Officer on 1300 366 244.