Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244Wellington Shire Council is updating its Road Management Plan and is inviting the community to help shape how local roads, footpaths, and related infrastructure are maintained and managed.
With 3,118 kilometres of roads, 182 bridges, and 285 kilometres of footpaths, managing Wellington Shire’s Road network is a complex task.
The Road Management Plan provides a framework for how Council inspects, maintains, and renews key infrastructure, including roads, roadsides, footpaths, drainage and vegetation. It ensures roads are managed efficiently to support residents, businesses, transport operators, and visitors, both now and into the future.
Council is seeking community input to help determine service priorities for the next four years. Residents are encouraged to share their views about what matters most, whether it’s road safety, footpath conditions, maintenance response parameters, drainage, or vegetation management (including hazardous trees in rural areas).
Wellington Shire Council Mayor, Scott Rossetti emphasised the importance of community feedback to shape the plan.
“We want to hear from the people who use our roads every day. Your feedback will help us prioritise road maintenance and improvements across the shire,” he said.
“This consultation is especially timely, as Council has recently written to the state government about the change of speed limits on Stratford-Maffra Road and the lack of community engagement undertaken. We are putting our money where our mouth is with this consultation on the Road Management Plan, ensuring our community has a real say in decisions that affect them.”
“In previous years, Council’s approach to seeking feedback regarding the Road Management Plan could be challenging for residents. This year, we are taking a different approach to make the engagement process more accessible. Additionally, we have applied a gender diversity lens through a Gender Impact Assessment to ensure the plan better understands considers the needs of all members of our community.”
Council also reminds residents that this consultation is not an opportunity to report specific road issues or lodge complaints. Those needing to report maintenance concerns or make requests should use the Customer Action Request process, available via the Wellington Shire Council website or by calling Council’s customer service team on 1300 366 244.
The survey asks residents to rank different services based on current performance and importance, covering sealed and unsealed roads, urban and rural roads, footpaths, and drainage.
The rising cost of materials like concrete, bitumen, crushed rock and continued rate capping reducing funding means Council allocating funds is more important than ever. Community input will help guide these decisions, ensuring the updated plan aligns with local needs and expectations.
The Road Management Plan outlines:
Council encourages residents, businesses, transport operators, cyclists, and pedestrians to have their say by completing the online survey at your.wellington.vic.gov.au/road-management-plan-2025
Buttners Saddle Road in Carrajung.