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Council program to help turn ideas into projects

Do you have an idea for a community-led project but are not sure how to get it off the ground?
February 2, 2022

Do you have an idea for a community-led project but are not sure how to get it off the ground?  

Wellington Shire Council has revamped its Community Collaborations program to help people develop a strong project, including planning and funding opportunities.  

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Ian Bye urged people with ideas for community events, activities and projects to access the program.  

"There are so many passionate community members out there who have a great idea for a project but are not quite sure where to start," Cr Bye said.  

"Anything from festivals or community gardens, to street art or neighbourhood book exchanges, all come about from an initial idea.  

"Community Collaborations can help guide those people through developing their idea into a strong project, applying for the many grants available to pay for the project, and then turning it into a reality."  

Community Collaborations is made up of four elements which can be accessed individually:  

  • Free digital resources on Council's website including downloadable guides, checklists and planning sheets, and links to find other tools and information to benefit projects.  
  • Free community workshops designed to help create strong projects. This quarter's series of workshops includes applying for grants, community and event planning tips, and collaborating effectively with others.
  • A guide to finding available grants to help fund community projects.
  • Chat about ways to find support for projects with Council's Social Planning and Engagement Officer.  

To find out more about the Community Collaborations program or to book into one of the workshops visit

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