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Council offers fee-free green waste disposal

Wellington Shire Council is offering fee-free disposal of green waste material resulting from the storm and floods across seven of its transfer stations until the end of June.
June 16, 2021

Wellington Shire Council is offering fee-free disposal of green waste material resulting from the storm and floods across seven of its transfer stations until the end of June.    

This free service is available only for those who were impacted by the storm and flood event, so transfer stations will be asking for ID, showing a name and Wellington Shire address.  

Transfer stations cannot take tree stumps or logs bigger than 30cm in diameter and material must not be heavily contaminated with mud or soil as this cannot be processed.  

Yarram Transfer Station will continue to accept all household waste material resulting from the storm and floods, however, building-demolition material such as bricks, timber and concrete cannot be accepted. 

Green waste can be disposed of fee free at transfer stations and landfill in Kilmany, Maffra, Loch Sport, Seaspray, Heyfield and Stratford, as well as Yarram.  Please note, Dargo Transfer Station does not have the capacity to receive green waste. 

Commercial operators are excluded from this fee-free provision.  

Residents and all visitors are reminded that they must comply with COVIDSafe requirements at transfer stations.    

For more information about waste facilities, including opening hours and fees, click here.

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