Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244Wellington Shire Council is rolling out a new Kindergarten Central Registration Service to streamline the kindergarten registration process for parents and carers throughout the municipality.
Council will manage the new Wellington Kindergarten Central Registration Service on behalf of participating kindergartens throughout Wellington Shire.
This new service will support all eligible children to access a kindergarten place by providing parents and carers with a simplified registration process for state-government funded kindergarten. The Kindergarten Central Registration Service will make registering children for kindergarten quick and easy, ensuring the allocation of kindergarten places is always fair and transparent for all families.
Registrations for children to attend 3 or 4-year-old kindergarten will be open from 1 May and 30 June each year. While registrations are closed, families are encouraged to submit an online Expression of Interest form via Council’s website to record their interest.
When registrations open in May each year, families who have completed an Expression of Interest form will receive a notification inviting registration to be completed. Families can expect to be notified the year before their child is due to start 3 or 4-year-old kindergarten.
Expressions of Interest are free to complete and can be submitted any time after a child is born. You do not need to wait until your child is kindergarten age to complete an Expression of Interest form. Expressions of Interest can be made any time at www.wellington.vic.gov.au/community/early-years.
Kindergarten places are allocated in accordance with criteria mandated by the Department of Education and agreed to by participating kindergarten providers. Following successful registration, families will be advised of allocation of a kindergarten place. Once a place is accepted, families will be able to enrol their child at the relevant kindergarten service.
Wellington Shire Council Mayor Ian Bye said that kindergarten is one of the most important experiences for all young children.
“I am proud of this work and am thrilled to be announcing that the new Wellington Kindergarten Central Registration Service is now available for families to record their interest in kindergarten for 2024 and beyond.
“We have been hearing from the community for quite some time how cumbersome the previous process was, and I am confident that this new service will be welcomed by local families and ease the uncertainty that came with kindergarten registrations in previous years.
“We are always listening to feedback and developing new processes that make life easier for our community. The Wellington Kindergarten Central Registration Service is key to ensuring that families have access to an equitable, transparent, and fair allocation of kindergarten places starting in 2024” Cr Bye said.
Funded 3 and 4-year-old kindergarten is provided by the Victorian Government, and the Wellington municipality has various services available to local families. More information about state government funded kindergarten is available at www.vic.gov.au/kinder.
Council encourages anyone preparing to register their child for kindergarten in 2024 and beyond to visit the dedicated Early Years webpage on the Wellington Shire Council website. Families can download the Kindergarten Central Registration Service FAQ document to learn more about the new process and find detailed answers to any Frequently Asked Questions.
Wellington Shire Council does not manage or coordinate kindergarten programs. In Wellington Shire, kindergarten services are delivered by private and community-based Committees of Management and early years managers. This new process is in place to improve the current registration process for parents and carers of children who are entering kindergarten in 2024 and beyond.
Please contact Wellington Shire Council’s Early Years team on 1300 366 244 or email earlyyears@wellington.vic.gov.au for advice or assistance.