Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244Wellington Shire Council has approved adjustments to the operating models for its six seasonal outdoor pools, following a detailed review and community consultation process. These changes, aimed at ensuring the sustainability and efficient use of Council's services, will take effect for the 2024/25 summer season.
For the outdoor pools across the Shire, Council has updated the operating model to better align with community preferences and maximise accessibility. Outdoor pools in Heyfield, Stratford, Maffra, and Sale (Aqua Energy) will now be open every day throughout the 15-week summer season, regardless of temperature, ensuring consistent availability for residents. Additionally, on days when the forecast predicts high temperatures, pools will extend their operating hours to allow more time for recreational and lap swimming.
Residents and visitors can also look forward to regular access to their nearest outdoor pool, with free swim days scheduled every week throughout the season. Across all regional pools, the new operating model will ensure that facilities are open daily throughout the season, with operating hours extended on days when the temperature is forecast to reach 24 degrees or higher. The current 25-degree temperature trigger, which has been a point of contention among the community, will drop to 24 degrees for the upcoming season. The 15-week season will now conclude later in the year to better accommodate community feedback.
The Yarram Outdoor Pool will see a tailored operating model introduced, reflecting the specific needs and circumstances of the Yarram community. This decision follows input from the Yarram Pool User Group Committee and feedback collected through a recent outdoor pools survey. Wellington Shire Council Mayor, Cr Ian Bye stated, "We’ve carefully considered the feedback from the Yarram community and have developed a model that balances community desires with the practicalities of pool operations. Our goal is to ensure that all of our pools remain a valuable community asset while managing resources responsibly."
In recognition of ongoing low patronage levels at the Rosedale Outdoor Pool, Council has decided to trial a free Friday entry and a reduced 10-week season for the 2024/25 summer. This trial, running from December to February, will assess community interest and determine whether the current service levels are justified. Additionally, free entry on Fridays will be extended to all outdoor pools across the Shire, encouraging greater community engagement and usage.
Mayor Ian Bye commented, "The free entry trial at Rosedale Outdoor Pool, along with the Shire-wide free Fridays, is a measured approach to understanding local needs. We need to ensure that our resources are used effectively and that the services provided align with the community’s actual usage patterns."
Last year’s summer swim season saw outdoor pool visits subsidised over $60 each in Rosedale, more than double the rate of other outdoor pools in Wellington Shire.
"Visitation across our outdoor pools is one of Council’s most heavily subsidised services. We invest in these facilities because we understand their importance, especially to our smaller communities. However, it’s crucial that we regularly assess these services to ensure that our resources are being used effectively and are directed towards areas where they truly meet community needs and provide the greatest value."
These changes reflect Council’s commitment to providing reliable and accessible leisure services that meet the diverse needs of local communities while maintaining a sustainable approach to resource management. Council will continue to monitor the outcomes of these changes to ensure that they meet community needs while maintaining the financial and operational sustainability required of outdoor pools.