Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244Wellington Shire Council has cemented its support for a new Community Vision statement, setting a clear direction for the future of Wellington Shire until 2041. Councillors unanimously supported the refreshed vision statement at the Tuesday 18 March ordinary Council Meeting, along with a set of six guiding principles, developed by the Future Wellington Think Tank.
The new Community Vision statement is:
"Connected, inclusive communities, a thriving economy, a resilient environment and a sustainable future."
Between 1 July and 31 August 2024, Council engaged the community through the Future Wellington promotional campaign. This included a face-to-face community roadshow, a survey, a postcard initiative available at local businesses and community spaces, and a photo and drawing competition to name a few. These activities, along with others encouraged participation and input to shape the future of Wellington, resulting in over 1,900 community responses.
As part of this process, the community was invited to reflect on whether Council’s current focus areas - Environment, Economy, Liveability, and Services remained relevant or if priorities had shifted over the past four years.
To ensure diverse perspectives were considered, the Future Wellington Think Tank was formed in early 2025. The group of 22 members carefully reviewed community feedback, identified local priorities, and highlighted emerging issues and opportunities. They were asked to imagine Wellington up to 2050 and consider what made them feel proud, inspired and connected to their community. A deliberative and transparent engagement process was used throughout, in line with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2020.
From this, the Think Tank began developing two recommendations for the new Community Vision statement for Council to consider. In addition, they created a set of six interconnected guiding principles to support the vision which aligns directly with the community’s aspirations, needs and priorities for the future.
The guiding principles adopted by Council are:
The community vision statement and the six guiding principles will form the final Community Vision document, which will be titled Future Wellington. Future Wellington will guide key strategic documents, including the Council Plan 2025-2029, the 10-year Asset Plan, the 10-year Financial Plan, and the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, to be known as ‘Live Well in Wellington’ – all of which will be adopted this year.
Wellington Shire Council Mayor, Cr Scott Rossetti said that this vision statement reflects what the community wants Wellington Shire to look like in the future - a place where people can live, work and grow.
“We've heard from our community every step of the way - through consultation, surveys and drop-in sessions. The feedback has shaped this vision, and we’ve stayed focused on doing what’s best for our Shire.
“After decades of living in Wellington, I know we’re on the right track. A connected and inclusive community is what makes us resilient, and we’re committed to making sure our Shire is ready for whatever comes next. We care about Wellington, and I hope our community can see that too” Cr Rossetti said.
For more information on Future Wellington or the council planning process: