media releases

Changes to Bushfire Overlays

Council has advised property owners to check new State Government mapping for Bushfire Management Overlays to see if their land is affected.
October 12, 2017

Prior to undertaking further development of land, Wellington Shire Council has advised property owners to check new State Government mapping for Bushfire Management Overlays (BMO) to see if their land is affected.

The State Government recently reviewed BMOs across Victoria, introducing new maps and planning requirements in the planning schemes of councils throughout the state.

General Manager Development John Websdale said it was important all land owners checked if the new BMO mapping applies to their properties prior to undertaking further development.

“The State Government review identified that significant areas of the state, including some areas affected by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires, were at risk from bushfire but were not included in the existing BMO,” he said.

“To address this issue, the State Government have now finalised updates to BMO controls and mapping.

This will ensure that bushfire risk is clearly identified and adequately considered in planning applications for any new development or subdivision.

“For those properties now included in the overlay, new development will generally require planning approval.”

The mapping was reviewed as part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to implement the recommendations of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.

These important changes are about making new homes, communities and the environment safer and more resilient to bushfire.

Further information can be found on Council’s website or alternatively, via the Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning website.

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