development plans

Rosedale DPO8

Rural Living Area Bound by Williams Road, Willung Road, Hoopers Road and Friends Road, Rosedale.
Plan Status: 
In Progress
Year Approved: 

Rural Living Area Bound by Williams Road, Willung Road, Hoopers Road and Friends Road, Rosedale

What is a Development Plan

A Development Plan is a design tool which illustrates preferred development outcomes and identifies the necessary key infrastructure required to facilitate development of a large area of land in a co-ordinated and integrated manner. It prevents a piecemeal approach to development and avoids poor land use planning outcomes, which can lead to disjointed and underserviced growth.

Rosedale – Planning Background

The Development Plan sits between the high-level planning direction provided by the ‘Rosedale Structure Plan (2012)’, and detailed planning permit applications for subdivision and development, which are lodged by development proponents.

As a long-established area identified for future rural living within the ‘Rosedale Structure Plan (2012)’, the land subject to the Development Plan Overlay 8 (DPO8) was rezoned with the approval of the Minister for Planning via Planning Scheme Amendment C86, in October 2015 to allow rural residential development to occur. The fundamental principle of rural living development on the land has therefore been formally established in legislation.

As a requirement of the Wellington Planning Scheme, the Development Plan has been prepared to demonstrate, in detail, how the land can be developed for rural living purposes, in accordance with the relevant planning provisions. The Development Plan for the Rural Living Area Bound by Williams Road, Willung Road, Hoopers Road and Friends Road, Rosedale, has been prepared in response to the requirements of Clause 43.04 of the Wellington Planning Scheme: Development Plan Overlay – Schedule 8 (DPO8).

A well-formulated Development Plan serves as a ‘linking’ tool between the established planning direction and on the ground development outcomes and in doing so, aims to guide Council, development proponents and the community on how this area of Rosedale should be developed over time.

Development Plan Overlay 8 (DPO8) Area

Image: Development Plan Overlay 8 (DPO8) Area

Draft Development Plan

Image: Draft Development Plan for DPO8

Public Notification

The draft Development Plan public notification period has concluded.

Documents associated with the public notification period of the draft Development Plan can be found below:

Next Steps

Council Officers are current reviewing and considering all comments and feedback received during the public notification period. Where appropriate and relevant to do so, these comments and feedback will be used to inform the final Development Plan.

Further Information

Should you require further information, please contact Caragh Button (Strategic Planner, Wellington Shire Council) on tel: (03) 1300 366 244 or email:

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