development plans

North Sale Development Plan (2018)

Mesh Planning Consultants prepared the North Sale Development Plan (DP) and associated Infrastructure Funding Arrangement (IFA) report for the North Sale Growth Area (NGA).
Plan Status: 
Year Approved: 

Mesh planning consultants were appointed by the Wellington Shire Council to prepare the North Sale Development Plan (DP) and associated Infrastructure Funding Arrangement (IFA) report for the North Sale Growth Area (NGA).

The requirement for the preparation of the DP is a recommendation of the ‘Sale, Wurruk and Longford Structure Plan’ (the Structure Plan), which was formally adopted by Council in September 2010.

What is the North Sale Development Plan?

DP’s are a useful and important tool for landowners, developers, Council and the community to assist in ensuring that a coordinated approach is taken to planning for new communities within the Shire. With the benefit of assessing an urban growth area on a more holistic level, DP’s can unlock the potential of a site based on its context and relationship with adjoining land uses rather than creating development through a piecemeal and ad-hoc approach.  As such, when worked through logically, the DP process can ensure a smooth transition to the planning permit and implementation phases.

What is the Infrastructure Funding Arrangement Report?

The IFA is a means of fairly and equitably apportioning the costs associated with the infrastructure required to support the future development of the NGA. The IFA will assist in facilitating:

  • The effective delivery and use of required physical infrastructure
  • Promotion of connectivity with adjacent areas
  • Provision of adequate and efficient open spaces
  • Delivery of pedestrian and cycle linkages, and
  • Easier access to established or new community and commercial activities and employment.

Together, the DP and IFA will establish a complete framework for the sustainable growth of the NGA and articulate strategies to support growth to 2035. It will also serve to guide urban growth and change in North Sale so as to provide a high level of certainty for investors, business, Council and the community.

Current Status

North Sale DP

Following the completion of the public exhibition of the Draft North Sale Development Plan, all submissions received were reviewed and where considered appropriate to do so, used to inform revisions to the DP. The final DP has also been informed by the recommendations from extensive drainage modelling and a detailed traffic assessment study (funded by the Victorian Planning Authority), below.

The final DP was adopted by Council at its meeting of 17 April 2018 and now provides the overall framework for future urban development in North Sale.

North Sale IFA

Following landowner/developer consultation, a final IFA Report has been prepared which outlines contributions to be made by developers (at the time of development) to fund required infrastructure in the NGA. The final IFA report was adopted by Council at the 20 December 2022 Council meeting.

Further Information

For further information, please contact the Strategic Planning team on 1300 366 244 or email

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