
Water Management

Council seeks to manage all elements of the water cycle in a holistic, interconnected way. It is referred to as Integrated Water Management.
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What is Integrated Water Management (IWM)?

The interaction between water and the urban landscape is called the urban water cycle. It considers everything from the water we drink, to the flow of water in rivers and wetlands throughout our cities, to how we drain and harvest stormwater from our neighbourhoods.

Integrated Water Management (IWM) is an approach that seeks to manage all elements of the water cycle in a more holistic, interconnected way.

The central idea of IWM is a greater understanding of the interconnections between these elements in order to identify opportunities to deliver multiple benefits, for the community, environment and the economy.

Council has developed an Integrated Water Management Plan that sets the strategic direction for the sustainable management of water resources for Council operations over the next 10 years, leading us closer Water Sensitive Towns. This plan was developed in partnership with our key water managers Gippsland Water, South Gippsland Water, West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority.

Putting IWM into Practice

Our Lake Guthridge/Lake Guyatt Precinct is a classic example of an integrated water management approach. Lake Guthridge is an ornamental lake which is supplied by stormwater from a 5.2km catchment that represents 70% of the township. To remain full, Sale requires only 15mm of rainfall a month to negate the effects of irrigation and evaporation.

The project was delivered in five stages over a period of eight years:

  • 2006: Installation of the main pumping station and connection to Stephenson’s Park and Sale Botanical Gardens irrigation
  • 2007: Installation of main piping extensions and connection to Victoria Park, Sale oval and Sale Primary School
  • 2010: Connection to the Commemorative Fountain and Little McMillian Park

Lake Guthridge, Sale.
Lake Guthridge, Sale.

These projects were delivered through Council funding, Sale 545 Primary School contribution, State Government Small Towns Development grant and a federal government Community Water Grants fund.

They key benefits of the Lake Guthridge project include:

  • Reduction of direct stormwater runoff into our natural waterways
  • Water quality improvement
  • Increased habitat for waterbirds and wildlife
  • Cooling of the local environment
  • Improved recreational and amenity values
  • Increased land and housing values in the local vicinity
  • Potable water-use reductions
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