
Nature Strips and Street Trees

A nature strip is an area of public land between the property boundary and the kerb, excluding any public paving footpath or shared path.
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Well maintained nature strips and street trees keep Wellington looking attractive, making it a more pleasant place to live, work and play. As well as providing us with essential oxygen, trees play an important role in enhancing the character and identity of our region.

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Maintaining your Nature Strip

Residents are required to maintain the nature strip in front of their home. Generally, this refers to the regular mowing, weeding and trimming of the nature strips but may extend to the management of other vegetation types (excluding trees) as needed.

Nature strips also provide space for utilities such as power, water and telecommunications. Clear access is required for repairs or tapping new lines within the nature strip. Council, or other Service Authorities are under no obligation to reinstate landscaped areas following works.

Residents, through the Nature Strip Landscaping Guidelines (listed in the tab below), are supported to develop landscapes.

Nature Strip Landscaping Guidelines

Any landscaping of nature strips must not impact or obstruct safe public use or access for the relevant Council and Service Authorities.

  • A landowner who wishes to carry out landscaping works will be expected to maintain these works to the satisfaction of Council.
  • The landowner may be held responsible for any injury or nuisance related to the landscape works and ongoing maintenance activities.
  • Landscaping of the nature strip that is not in accordance with Council’s guidelines may result in the landowner being requested to remove or make suitable the landscaping. Failure to comply with the request may result in contractors being engaged by Council and subsequent costs billed to the landowner.
  • A minimum footpath width of 1.5 metres is to be retained. Where no designated footpath exists, this minimum area must be maintained for pedestrian access abutting the frontage of the property.
  • A maximum vegetation height of 500mm is applicable to all landscaping works. An exemption may be made where nature strip dimensions are larger than standard.
  • No vegetation within 10 meters of road intersections.
  • Minimum clearance of 1 metre from kerb for vehicle embarking/disembarking.
  • No mechanical excavation will be allowed in any landscape works on the nature strip.
  • Mulch material must be kept stable and properly contained.
  • Larger materials such as stones or chunky woodchips are not to be used.
  • Adequate space is to be maintained for the location for rubbish, recycling bins on collection days.
  • Known weed species (i.e environmental & noxious weeds) are not permitted to be planted.
  • Residents are to ensure that landscape works do not impact on any services. Costs to access services may fall upon the landowner.
  • Council or Service Authorities are under no obligation to reinstate landscaped area after completion of required works.

Street Trees

Street trees on nature strips belong to Council. The planting of street trees is guided by the Urban Forest Management section contained within Public Open Space Plan 2014 -2024.

To ensure that the species selected is suitable Council will evaluate the selection to ensure that the type of tree fulfils requirements in regards to safety, maintenance, underground/overhead services, signage and road intersections.

Landowners are not permitted to damage or remove trees on the nature strip, or plant new trees.

Environmental Benefits

Nature strips and street trees provide various community and environmental benefits by:

  • Absorbing rainwater, which improves the health of soil and reduces stormwater run-off into the street.
  • Helping to cool urban areas in the summer, as they do not reflect heat like pavements.
  • Providing shelter for people and wildlife, especially on hot days.
  • Providing green corridors for native wildlife, like birds and insects, which can be further encouraged by the use of indigenous plantings.
  • Improving the aesthetic quality of a street, which benefits property owners and businesses.

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