
Council Performance

The Victorian Government 'Know Your Council' page transparently presents the performance all 79 Victorian councils.
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Council regularly monitors and reports on its performance. The Local Government Performance Reporting Framework and Community Satisfaction Survey are completed annually. Individual results are provided for Wellington Shire Council along with comparative data for other Victorian councils.

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Local Government Performance Reporting Framework

The Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF) is a state-wide initiative promoting council transparency, accountability and council performance.

On the Victorian Government's 'Know Your Council' page you can see the full LGPRF data set for all 79 Victorian councils and use the comparison dashboard to compare different councils.

Community Satisfaction Survey

Once a year, an independent research company coordinated by the Department of Government Services, interviews a random sample of adult Wellington Shire residents. The survey is used to provide insight into the community’s views on:

  • Councils’ overall performance, with benchmarking against State-wide and council group results.
  • Value for money in services and infrastructure.
  • Community consultation and engagement.
  • Decisions made in the interest of the community.
  • Customer service, local infrastructure, facilities, services and;
  • Overall council direction.

In 2024, most Councils throughout Victoria participated in the Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey.

Importantly, Wellington Shire Council performs as well as, or significantly higher than, the Large Rural group and State-wide averages on all core measures and individual service areas evaluated. This is a positive result for Council.

  • Art centres and libraries (index score of 79) is the area where Council performed best in 2024.
  • The lowest performing areas of unsealed roads, slashing and weed control, sealed local roads remains higher or on par with other Large Rural Shires.
  • Council’s customer service performance has remained stable over time. Customer service is rated significantly higher than the Large Rural group average (65) and the State-wide group average (67) with an index score of 71.

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